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Monday 25th October 
(Day 2)

Firstly a word from our Head of Middle School Nick Patzel: What an awesome journey that the students have begun. The stories that have been coming through highlight the enjoyment and personal growth that we were anticipating. Being with class 9E and having some great open discussions with the students highlights the learning that has occurred in 9SHINE throughout the year. I can not wait to see the continuing growth throughout the week for all students and staff on the trip.


Students awoke this early this morning eager to get started into a range of activities. Further stories and photos filtered through on the staff group chat and each individual experience is promising to be a memorable one.

The students have all undertaken the character strengths reflection activity, which takes place each evening. There are 15 Character Strengths and the class decides who receives each one according to the previous 24 hours. For example, Lillie Paul has received the medal of perseverance for her efforts throughout the Kayak expedition.


9A have continued on their bushwalking expedition and reports of teamwork amongst the group have really shone. The full-day bushwalk is arguably the most challenging part of camp and students have spent considerable time preparing for this. It’s nice to hear positive reports from Ciaran “9A had plenty of energy today after a full night's sleep (much to their surprise). We spent some time at the waterfalls where Jared Kuhl enjoyed a dip in the freezing cold water. The afternoon was spent enjoying spectacular views whilst walking around overlooking the cliffs to Kangaroo Island. All students are shining and we look forward to kayaking tomorrow.”


9B spent the morning rock climbing and abseiling in the Onkaparinga Gorge. Perfect weather conditions enabled the students to enjoy a jaw-dropping experience. Many of the students overcame their fear of heights and barriers were broken. Well done to Miss Clark for managing to also take photos of the students throughout the climbing instead of just selfies. The students have now completed the first leg of the bushwalk and will cook their own meals tonight. This group is going to attempt the ‘Cove’ trek, which is the more challenging walk in the Deep Creek Conservation Park. Special mention to Sophie Pedler who has offered to be the navigator for the group but also confessed she often gets her lefts and rights confused.


9C Continued their kayaking adventure today with a return trip across the Coorong. The paddle across calm waters was a real treat to all students. The last leg of the kayak trip was finished in silence, which gave us time to observe the native birds around the area. Special thanks to Ellie Mullan and Hannah Fila for packing all of the kayaks onto the trailer without being asked. Well done to our very own Rex Jones who channeled his inner Rex Hunt. No fish were kissed. 


9D has also completed the full-day component of the bushwalk. Mr. Primer lead from the front and made sure the young whippersnappers kept up. Many of these students were shining today, particularly through the treacherous steps that are challenging for the fittest of people. They have all arrived at camp successfully and are looking forward to a rest and the Kayak tomorrow.


9E Outstanding efforts from Jye Ferrari and Rhys Earle this morning, who took the lead role to help their entire homegroup load their kayaks in and out of the water. The last leg was a challenge that put the students through their paces as they encountered head-on winds. The resilience of the students was awesome to see occur over the journey as they supported one another across the water. The afternoon has involved us having some downtime and seeing Miss Gasparini showcase her special talents. We also had a trip to the Mouth of the river and Goolwa beach, where Nellie Badenoch and Lauren Smith took out the prize for most Pippies caught. Students are now off in the wild for their solo night, we are can not wait to hear of the growth of our 9E legends tomorrow morning.  


9F spent the morning snorkeling at Port Noarlunga in clear conditions. The tide was also right out, which enabled the students to snorkel right around the exposed reef. Students were treated to many schools of fish in what some students believe will be the highlight of the trip. They have also completed the first half of their bushwalk and will cook their own meals tonight. Special mention must go to Cara Nulty who unfortunately was very popular with the mosquitoes last night. The bite on her forehead has been aptly named the Mount Burr Mosquito by her group of friends.

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