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Sunday 29th

November (Day 1)

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We made it! After a tumultuous time for the world in 2020

our students were lucky enough to finally venture to the

Fleurieu Peninsula for Day 1 of the 9SHINE Outdoor Experience. 


Parents/carers eagerly dropped their teenagers off at 7:30am this morning and were more than happy to see mobile phones immediately being handed over to the teachers for the entirety of this week. It was noted by students throughout the bus trip that they actually managed to enjoy each others company, incredible what happens without a device!


After a few stops along the way each home group finally reached their destination and began their first activity for the week. 


9A ventured to Godfrey's Landing at the Coorong and spent their afternoon kayaking. Unfortunately (or fortunately) depending which way you look at it they faced a fair headwind. No doubt through the sheer courage of one of their leaders Miss Zaccardo they managed to reach their destination and will enjoy the return trip home tomorrow. 


9B drew the short straw and ventured to Hindmarsh Island for the first

of our cohort's solo experience. Students have set up their tents and

will spend 12 hours by themselves and develop their sense of purpose through a reflective activity. We believe this is a key component to our entire program and it will be certainly interesting to hear the feedback tomorrow. 


9C set off on their bushwalk through the Deep Creek Conservation

Park. Students managed to take off their birkenstocks and enjoyed a beautiful walk along the southern coastline. 


9D were met on-site by the Italian Stallion Prof Vecchiarelli and set off

on their Mountain Biking activity in the Kuitpo Forest. Dafydd Ryan

unfortunately managed to come off his bike however bounced up and continued on his way. All students completed the trails and had a great time. Mrs Greenham I'm told hasn't lost her touch on a pushbike. They will spend the night at base camp at Douglas Scrub. 


9E tackled the High Ropes and enjoyed a very challenging set of courses. No student struggled more than Mr Maney who may have shed a tear due to a fear of heights. Every student gave the course a go and certainly showed early signs in their resilience development. 


Each night students will sit down and award a medallion to a student in their group who displayed one or more of the 24 VIA Character Strengths. This will be a reflective experience after each day and one that will bring about further understanding of self. 


Now for a couple of funny incidents from our day....


1. One student whilst climbing the high ropes stated

"This is just like Maths, I don't get it"


2. Another student has also just realised they have forgotten to pack

a change of clothes, interesting to see how their week pans out! 


We look forward to keeping you all updated throughout the week. Different writers will scribe the events so look forward to a different perspective each day. The students have already showed that they are willing to step outside of their comfort zone - let's hope this continues!


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