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Thursday 3rd December

(Day 5)

Another day in the books and another day of such immense personal growth for our cohort. Lifelong relationships have been built alongside memories that won’t soon be forgotten.


Firstly a word from the Head of Middle School Nick Patzel


Resilience, mindfulness, gratitude and empathy are lifelong learnings which enable us to experience great moments of success and challenges. This experience has not only highlighted the tremendous growth amongst our students, but also our staff. I have been fortunate to have been involved with several groups throughout the week. A consistent ‘vibe’ has been the feeling of belonging. Our students have been instrumental in looking out for their peer, whether it be supporting with erecting a tent, packing bags in a kayak or even cooking Mr Patzel dinner on a Trangia. This experience has been nothing short of validating. We knew our students had great talents and being able to showcase these in a variety of contexts is what they needed to see themselves to identify the array of strengths they possess. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff from Tenison Woods College for their commitment to our students and going above and beyond to make this experience achieve its purposes. The staff from Wilderness Escapes have shown a great commitment to our students (and staff 😊) for channelling their growth mindset to overcome challenges, as well as tolerated some of our awful jokes. Finally, a big thanks to Brad Maney, who was the visionary for this experience. Brad’s timeless efforts throughout the year and over the week has been excellent. His knowledge of the scheduling, skills, virtues and induvial goals has supported all of us in building capacity in areas of growth we may not have seen as a challenge. I am looking forward to being able to celebrate with the Year 9 students and families next Tuesday night at our 9SHINE finale to cap off a wonderful journey and Middle Schooling experience.


Today we are changing things up slightly and giving you a perspective from the staff who along with our students have endured many challenges during the week. We have had two staff members injured and many struggle along the way however it is their resilience that has been role modelled to the students that has become so transformative. They deserve so much credit for their work throughout the week!


9A – Jacqui Zaccardo and George Adamopoulos

What have been the biggest challenges overcome by students?

Gelling of the group despite the diversity, breaking down social barriers, bonding in every way possible (especially on the bus). They even have plans to create a snapchat group ‘family’, which they decided to start on their own.


What personal development has been evident?

Students talking with everyone in the class, friendship groups are a thing of the past. Jack managed to conquer his fear of heights, tess pushed through despite an illness and Tallan became a true leader. One other pleasing aspect was to see Flynn come out of his shell. This is to just name a few.


How has the reflection benefited the program?

The solo night and the white t-shirt activity made students think about who they wanted to be and what was important in their life. The results speak for themselves. Beautiful messages and inspiring students.


Is there one story that epitomises this group?

The 10km bushwalk saw 9A shine in more ways than one. Each and every student was a team player and willing to lend a helping hand and carry the weight of other students in their rucksacks. A tap on the back, words of encouragement and TLC meant each and every member successfully completed the epic challenge.


9B- Kaitlin Egan and Ben Paparella

What have been the biggest challenges overcome by students?

The camp has been full of challenges, but challenges that students have been able to overcome as a team. They have also faced many fears, from fear of heights, kayaking in the river and the mountain bike trails. However, the biggest challenge has been able to adapt to situations out of our control.


What personal development has been evident?

Students have been keeping one another accountable. Not just the same people doing all the jobs, it’s using their voices to make all students contributing. Over the week this has led to them displaying more initiative rather than being asked. It’s been great to see students interacting with others they normally wouldn’t.


How has the reflection benefited the program?

It gives an opportunity for students to reflect on how the day has been. Throughout the week, they have developed relationships with one another and are now comfortable enough to voice their opinions and comments without teachers facilitating the conversations.


Is there one story that epitomises this group?

The bush walk was an event that really challenged the students of 9B. There were a few students struggling, with staff attending to them on different parts of the track. The other students went back to get bags that were left behind as well as carry extra water bladders for the rest of the trip. They also ensured that students were looked after during what was a challenging time. After the walk, the students again took over by organising the packing up of rucksacks, the preparation for lunch and ensuring that all students were fed and supported. It was really great to see the students take this on themselves and it was evidence of their personal development throughout the week.


9C – Justine Forrest, Eliza Suggate and Jamie Edwards

What have been the biggest challenges overcome by students?

Overcoming their physical and perceived mental capabilities. They have learned how to enjoy the time away from their phones and disconnect from technology. They have encouraged and supported each other through all the different activities, particularly with the hike. They have got to know each other outside of their friendship group.


What personal development has been evident?

Seb and Ryan really struggled with the bushwalking, but they overcame this with support from Elijah, John, Charlie who helped carry bags. Emily overcame her fear of heights and completed the first leg of the high ropes course. Everyone gave surfing a go and gave it their best shot given the choppy and challenging conditions.


How has the reflection benefited the program?

All students have gained a massive amount of perspective and realised how grateful and privileged they are. They have said that they appreciated how much their families so for them day to day. All student put in effort with their t-shirts and they found that the process really beneficial.


Is there one story that epitomises this group?

Our class did the bushwalk first and competed the hardest course with full backpack. Students weren’t used to packing their rucksacks so they found this aspect challenging. We had many students and staff that struggled throughout the walk, all students stepped up and carried the load of others to help everyone to complete the walk. This day brought everyone closer together because we only had each other to rely on.


9D – Micki Greenham, Allesandro Vecchiarelli and Sarah Mutch

What have been the biggest challenges overcome by students?

To learn how to think as a team, understanding the meaning of “no one will be left behind’ and to face their fears and insecurities. They have also paused to appreciate the goodness and beauty in everyone.


What personal development has been evident?

Kalan has taken considerable responsibility as a leader, Alex Lamb and Alex McDonald working together as a well oiled machine, Josh and Riley becoming well accepted members of the groups amongst SO many other stories.

How has the reflection benefited the program?

The solo night was embraced by everyone with maturity with each student working hard and respecting others.


Is there one story that epitomises this group?

Madi conquering her fears and bodysurfing and snorkelling; Riley surfing a wave for the first time; Kalan and Josh working together closely; Default Aden; and the whole class getting together to get the trailer out of the bog.


9E – Heidi Clark, Nathan Fleetwood, Ciaran Buckley and Nick Patzel.

What have been the biggest challenges overcome by students?

The biggest challenge overcome by 9E has been developing the ability to work as a cohesive unit with respect and empathy. They have all taken the opportunity to get to know people outside their friendship group and forged new friendships they can take onto Senior School.


What personal development has been evident?

The growth in overall self confidence was significant. Evidenced by their willingness to take on a challenge and step outside their comfort zones. Their ability to communicate with their peers and collaborate effectively has improved substantially. Students are now a whole unit that have grown together over the course of the camp.


How has the reflection benefited the program?

Allowed the students to understand the meaning behind this camp and the experiences they have had. Strengthen their relationships with peers and staff through the characteristic medallion presentations. It was great to see students awarding peers with medallions that they have otherwise barely spoke with outside this camp.


Is there one story that epitomises this group?

A story that epitomises this group is when Will Ellis chatted with Chanceline Alpha about her first experience being in the ocean. Will showed true respect and admiration for Chanceline after learning her background and the courage it took for her to try something new.


That's a wrap for our 9SHINE blog. We cannot wait to share so many more exciting videos and photos next Tuesday at the 9SHINE finale. Thankyou for reading!

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