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Wednesday 2nd December

(Day 4)

The balmy weather conditions boded well for a fantastic fourth day for the Year 9 cohort and the accompanying staff. The rhythm of camping life is now well established, and the stories emerging are testimony to the strong connections we have all have formed. Gratitude for this incredible opportunity they have been afforded, has been high on the students’ minds as evidenced by their contributions at the daily reflection time. Each new day has brought heightened excitement as they take on a new adventure with enthusiasm and an attitude of ‘we’ve got this’.



After the solo night of camping concluded, the students in 9A awoke this morning feeling rested, motivated, and enthusiastic for a day of surfing and the high ropes. Following a spread of Nutri-grain and Rice bubbles, all students were decked out with their wetsuits as we hopped on the bus to Goolwa beach. On arrival students were given a masterclass session with local surfer Phil who run our students through highs and lows of surfing. Although the conditions were messy, every participating student managed to stand up on their boards, which was a wonderful sight. After a friendly farewell, students then made their way to Douglas Scrub where they took on the high ropes. A couple of students shone bravely despite their acrophobia and powered through the entire course. Students ended the day with a communal meal and a well- deserved shower. Jacqui and George are both super proud of what their students have achieved, 4 days down, and 2 to go!


9B had an interesting day that started off with a beautiful kayak from Investigators Landing. The students were later heard discussing that this morning was the favourite part of the trip. After some logistic misfires they were also able to begin their bushwalk expedition and find themselves in Deep Creek for the night.


9C had a day to remember. The students went Mountain Biking in the Kuitpo Forest and tested themselves immensely through both easy and hard trails. Best stack of the day goes to Jamie Edwards who found himself imitating his best superman pose. They have moved onto to their solo experience tonight and it will be interesting to see how they tackle that important process.


9D started off their morning in the cooler waters of Port Noarlunga and snorkelled around the reefs. Unfortunately the visibility wasn’t ideal, however many challenges were overcome and barriers broken. They have been walking with 9B and look forward to completing this process by lunchtime tomorrow.


9E have been making their way through the ‘tougher’ period of the experience. After bushwalking this morning they bid a sad farewell to Mr Buckley and Austin Rossi and welcomed Mr Patzel. They spent the afternoon paddling their way along the Coorong in the kayaking expedition. This group has showed tremendous progress throughout the week and have truly come together.


A big thankyou must go to our 2021 School Captains in Austin Rossi and Sarah McKinnon who have spent the past two days on the experience. The leadership these two have provided has been heart warming for the students and integral in further developing the relationships across our R-12 College. As seen in the picture both student leaders also undertook our reflective activity of focussing on the things they are grateful for and developing their own sense of purpose. They will return home in the morning for Year 12 Graduation.

Tomorrow brings day 5, the final full day for our Year 9 cohort to combat different challenges, continue to develop their strong bonds with one another and make the most of this incredible experience – 9SHINE! Tune in tomorrow to hear about their much anticipated day 5!

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