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Tuesday 1st December

(Day 3)




















At the half way mark of the Shine Camp, the students are reaping the benefits of Mr Maney’s vision. It has been awesome to observe the students supporting each other, whether it be encouraging others when they are pushing through their comfort zone, or working together building rafts  and rallying around when someone is feeling a bit overwhelmed. Students have taken carriage of the character strength medallion ceremony, demonstrating leadership and teamwork.

9A under the guidance of Jacqui and George, pushed through second half of the bush walk, after a gruelling first half. A few a little worse for wear, but also a few hero stories emerging. They have the solo tonight, which will give them the opportunity to reflect on their experience so far.

9B ran into a few obstacles with their timetable being thwarted by inclement weather. Snorkelling was cancelled, so they took a walk through the sand dunes at Port Noarlunga, followed by a short afternoon paddle at Coorong Quays. They are camping overnight at Investigator College campsite.

9C the wild winds also hampered this group’s kayaking adventures, so they paddled around the reeds this morning and played ‘piano keys’ – a challenge where students run across the bows of the kayaks, which are lined up in the water and stabilised by the kayakers holding hands.

9D woke up to gentle rain after their solo night, which proved to be a wonderful time to reflect and to connect with themselves, without all the trappings of 21st century life. Once again the weather put paid to the planned activity of surfing, but the students enjoyed the body boarding. Riley and Josh, after initially being reluctant to even enter the water, it not being their preferred element, took to it like the proverbial ducks, and were the last to emerge, dripping wet and oozing confidence in a newfound activity. Raft building in the afternoon saw the engineers in the group rise to the occasion and a couple of very seaworthy rafts were built.

9E took to the mountains, on their bikes and by all accounts it was lots of fun. The group were sad to farewell Mr Fleetwood, who is not a natural born camper. They are off on their hike tonight, grateful the cooler weather and lighter load.

Funny moment – After body boarding, Siobhan took advantage of the outdoor shower at Goolwa Beach to wash off the salt and sand. After drying off Harry decided to have a snack and threw crumbs to an increasing number of gulls. Unfortunately, one of the circling seagulls disposed on Siobhan. Mortified, she went back to the shower and washed it off. Walking back, another one took aim and targeted Siobhan again – so it was off to the shower again. Apparently it’s good luck, but Siobhan is not quite as convinced about that.

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